The Winding Road to Portugal

Ask twenty men how they came to live in Portugal and you’ll get some surprising answers. In this clever and well-crafted book, Louise Ross sits back and lets the men do the talking in their own words, and the result is fascinating, moving and funny.
Jack Scott, Goodreads

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has moved to or temporarily lived in a different country, who has a loved one or friend who has done so, or who themselves dreams of doing so. The stories illuminate the joys and challenges of that journey and provide much food for thought.
Terri Myers, Amazon

I found myself cheering for these men, bravely telling stories of both their struggles and victories. The author successfully manages to open them up; they share their raw experiences of entering the unknown, embarking on a new life in a foreign land.
Eileen McDonough, Goodreads

Women Who Walk

I literally gobbled this book up, waking each morning with the promise of a new adventure. As an American who has moved both to different states, as well as to different countries, I can relate to both the excitement and the challenges inherent in these women’s stories.
Virginia Walker, Amazon

While this anthology’s theme may sound niche, its appeal and scope is universal. Indeed, it’s underpinned by fundamental age-old questions: “What does compel someone to leave their country of origin, which is the story before their departure? And then what happens to them on their journey to the new place, which is the story of getting from one place to another? And what causes them to finally land somewhere and decide to stay, if not for the rest of their lives, then for an extended period?” The answers to such questions are voiced here by twenty women from places as diverse as Lebanon, Scotland, France, Germany, the USA, Mozambique, Spain, and Brazil. Together their stories constitute a fascinating chorus of experiences borne from the author’s desire to chronicle female oral history, and a belief in the human need for agency.
Joanne Owen, LoveReading Ambassador