
Market to Mouth is a recession-strategy food blog which I developed in 2008 at the time of the U.S. economic implosion. As a former chef, I realized I had valuable information to share on grocery shopping responsibly and easy meal preparation applying my no-waste, no-fuss approach to simple gourmet cooking for health and wellness.

Market to Mouth the video was produced for the purpose of visually demonstrating the recession-strategy grocery shopping tips shared on the blog.

MARKET TO MOUTH: A Recession-Strategy Guide to Shopping Responsibly, and Cooking, & Eating Well on a Budget is a book proposal that evolved out of Market to Mouth the blog.

As an adjunct to the many farm-to-table posts I wrote for Market to Mouth, and in partnership with Boulder Valley Media Alliance, I co-produced and hosted, a 3-part video series titled Culinary Gardens.

Culinary Gardens Episode 1

Culinary Gardens Episode 2

Culinary Gardens Episode 3