Women Who Walk

Women Who Walk Celebrates 3 Months & 10 Episodes with Host, Louise Ross
EPISODE 11 August, 18 2021 It’s the middle of August and the height of summer in Europe, and in Portugal, where I live, that means everyone heads to the beach and life slows down. So today I thought I’d record a solo show and reflect back on the past three months and the evolution

Growing an International Bilingual Preschool in Boulder, Colorado with French-Italian Entrepreneur, Marie-Pierre Nicoletti
EPISODE 10 August 4 Marie-Pierre Nicoletti grew up in a small town in the French Alps, in a bicultural French and Italian family. With a BA in both Applied Foreign Language for International Business in English and Italian, and Italian Language and Civilization, she moved to Paris to attend fashion school. Upon graduating, she

Copenhagen to Lisbon with Danish-Egyptian Human Rights Lawyer & Middle East Expert, Yasmin Abdel-Hak
EPISODE 9 July 21, 2021 Yasmin Abdel-Hak was born and raised in Denmark. Her father is Egyptian. Her mother Danish. For several generations the migratory paths on both sides of her family have stretched from the Middle East to Scandinavia, the US and Europe. Her Danish childhood was somewhat unconventional as her father is

Exploring Central Asia & The Silk Road with 40-year UK Resident, Chicagoan, Diana Driscoll
EPISODE 8 July 7, 2021 In the early ’70s, Diana left Chicago, relocating permanently to London, where she graduated from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African studies. Her postgraduate research focused on Islamic studies. Following university positions, she was appointed Director of Education at the British Council in Hong Kong. She

House & Pet Sitting in 24 countries with International Housesitter, Aussie, Jodie Burnham
EPISODE 7 June 23, 2021 Originally from Australia, Jodie and her wife Natalie have been traveling as full-time international house-and-pet sitters since early 2013. They’ve enjoyed 95% free accommodation all over the world thanks to their back-to-back housesits. With no home base and no residency anywhere, they travel with all they possess, which

19 years in Vietnam & Indonesia with Asia Pacific Travel & Lifestyle Writer, Londoner, Samantha Coomber
EPISODE 6 June 9, 2021 Asia-Pacific Travel & Lifestyle writer, Samantha Coomber, talks about working in Vietnam and Indonesia for the past 19 years and living the “Anthony Bourdain experience from a woman’s perspective.” Samantha left London in 1998, since then she’s been based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and Bali. She

In Search of Dostoyevsky’s Russia, with Portuguese-born American Philosopher, Joia Lewis
EPISODE 5 May 26th, 2021 Joia Lewis was born in Portugal to American missionary parents during the Salazar dictatorship. Ten years later, her family moved back to the US. After studying violin at Boston Conservatory, she continued college in Massachusetts, and at the Pushkin Institute in Moscow, Russia, graduating with degrees in Russian Language

Writing, Dancing & Performing through Nigeria, Qatar & Texas with Australian, Andrea Barton
EPISODE 4 April 26, 2021 Andrea Barton is an electrical engineer, turned career consultant, turned writer. She’s lived in the U.K. and spent 12 years with her husband and two sons living in Nigeria, the United States and Qatar before repatriating to Melbourne Australia, where she’s from. As a result of her years and

Life in Rural Chile with Travel Writer & Global Communications Coordinator, Carolyn McCarthy
EPISODE 3 April 22, 2021 Carolyn McCarthy is originally from Boston. She has lived for the past 15 years in Chile, 12 hours south of Santiago in a rural area where she’s based herself as a writer, authoring 50-plus travel guides for Lonely Planet focusing on the Americas. A fluent Spanish speaker and skilled

From Holland to Indonesia, Brazil, Portugal, Bhutan: Working Abroad with Anouk Cleven
EPISODE 2 April 20, 2021 My guest in this episode is Anouk Cleven, who is originally from the Netherlands. Since 2019, she’s lived in Lisbon. Prior to moving to Portugal she and her husband, Mark, lived in Brazil, where for seven years they ran a foundation, a social and educational center that Anouk founded,

Women Can do Extraordinary Things with Author & Podcaster, Louise Ross
EPISODE 1 April 19, 2021 In this solo episode, I talk a bit about how this podcast came to be and what I hope to offer listeners. Women Who Walk is a continuation of the kind of conversations I had with the interviewees whose stories feature in my book, Women Who Walk. Conversations with inspiring women,